
I am a 28 year old New Englander, navigating my way through a grueling journey with infertility and idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss with my husband and dog by my side. In my free time I enjoy reading, writing, vacationing, and working with my husband on renovating our house.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Reading your blog is like looking in a mirror. I live in Connecticut and in the past three years I’ve had four miscarriages, including one miscarriage of a PGS normal embryo. We are about to undergo a FET with our last remaining normal embryo and my doctor just told me today about the mitograde test. My thoughts were the same. What if there is something wrong with my embryos at the mitochondrial level? Then I won’t ever have children because even a gestational carrier can’t help that. I was just bawling my eyes out talking about this to my husband half an hour ago and then I came across your blog. I can’t believe there is someone so close to home that has experienced a journey like mine. I’m giving you a huge virtual hug.

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  2. P. S. I also go to UConn and considered going to the SIRM seminar as well but ended up doing another FET that failed completely. Then had a surgical hysteroscopy like you. All normal test results. I can’t believe we may have been sitting across from each other waiting for bloods these last two years going through the same exact things.


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