33 weeks

My anxiety has unfortunately not improved in the past few weeks.  While I feel like I am getting so much closer to the finish line, I also continue to panic that something could go wrong at any moment.  Baby’s movement continues to be a source of anxiety for me as well. I also made the mistake of spending too much time on Google reading up on breech babies (why are they breech, risks of remaining breech etc.), and let’s just say I shouldn’t have done that.

If/when hopefully baby arrives safely I am sure I will miss being pregnant, but at this point I just want to it to be over. The weight gain and being physically uncomfortable does suck, but it’s more the mental torment that is making me question whether I could handle another pregnancy in the future. I have not felt fully emotionally stable or healthy since before I was pregnant. That’s a long time to feel so much stress!

Last week I had my 32 week growth scan, at which time baby was still breech – Frank breech position to be exact. (Explains why I’ve been feeling big pokes on the right side, it’s baby’s foot).  My OB’s office started the paperwork for my c-section, which is scheduled for February 22. I will be 39 weeks + 6 days.  Of course, I have a whole other set of worries here. That’s pretty much 40 weeks – what if I go into labor before then? Again I’ve read way too many scary things about going into labor with a breech baby.I feel a little bit like a ticking time bomb, though maybe that’s just me being overreactive with my anxiety.

To a much much lesser extent, I am still a bit disappointed about not being able to labor naturally. People keep saying there is plenty of time for the baby to turn head-down, but I’m starting to feel skeptical. The further along I get with a baby that is still breech, the less likely I know it is that he/she will turn.  Ultimately all that matters is a baby that arrives healthy and safe, but in a perfect world I would have gotten to have a normal birth experience.

At this point I am trying to make preparations as I feel up to it. It’s hard some days to pick up a baby book or buy things for the baby when I lack the confidence that everything will turn out ok ,but I am doing the best I can.  When I first told my family I was pregnant, I asked them not to plan a baby shower as I knew I wouldn’t be comfortable having one, and at this point I’m very glad that I had that foresight.  Going to a big celebration centered around my pregnancy/baby would have been way too much for me at this point, mentally.

3 thoughts on “33 weeks

  1. I didn’t have a breech baby but mone never engaged and I had a section at 41 weeks. I know someone who had a section scheduled for a breech baby who went into labour before the scheduled date. Labour takes a long time, so she headed straight in as soon as she was in pre/early labour and they just did the section under the ’emergency’ category.

    My scheduled section was amazing (details on my blog) but long story short, I loved it. I felt in control, I knew exactly what was going to happen and I was awake, alert and remember every sweet moment of my baby’s first few moments as I had skin to skin in the OR while they stitched me up.

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  2. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so stressed. After three losses I felt anxious during my pregnancy as well, and it never really went away (even during labor in the hospital where I knew medical professionals could intervene) until I heard him cry. It’s not easy, especially when everyone else thinks it’s so amazing and expects an expecting mom to be so happy and blissful.
    I hope you are doing well and managing okay. Day by day.


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